History of Yarsagumba

History of Yarsagumba

Yarsagumba was discovered about 1,500 years ago in the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet. The Nepalese and Tibetan herders in springtime, noticed grazing yaks and goats acting very excited and chasing each other around with lust full of intent in the high mountain pasture after eating Yarsagumba. Soon the locals after consuming Yarsagumba also experienced this added vigor.

The earliest known documentation of Yarsagumba is by Nyamnyi Dorje, a Tibet physician, and Lama who lived from 1439-1475. In his text titled “An Ocean of Aphrodisiacal Qualities”, he described Yarsagumba as a sexual tonic.

During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1664), the Emperor’s physicians learned about Yarsagumba and used this knowledge with their wisdom to develop powerful and potent medicine. Since then, Yarsagumba has gained popularity in traditional Chinese Medicine which continues today.